Spring Bumi Sharhes Turte
Ngaran produk ngawiara bentukna sirker thkking specifer produk platform platform platform produk 17 1,5 * Produk Produk PPER perbatu 70mm data PPR-27 produk nganggo bahan plastik luhur, henteu toksik sareng henteu aya karat. Datang nganggo truk dahar. Tiasa tahan beurat 2 kg. Keséra Penuning anu kuat, cocog pikeun permukaan lemes sapertos gelas sareng akrilik. Penalan produk cocog pikeun sagala jinis kuya akuatik sareng ... - Ngaran Nasago Hikeran ngagangrang warna produk feeder feeder 7.5 * Cormat produke abs / PP produk produk nw-33 produk nyopi, henteu gerga. ABS material bracket, not easy to deform. Transparent food bowl for reptiles to observe food. Positive and reverse two ways of placement. Product Introduction The bracket of this hanging feeder adopts ABS material, and the food bowl is PP material, w...
- Tulis produk Restile Podas Hides Messi produk alat NA-07 170 * 150 * 110mm NA-07 ** Bébas sareng mangpaat 27.1 * Sareng gunana. Nganggo plastik kualitas luhur, non-toksik sareng henteu pikaresepeun. Plasji guha pikeun reptiles. Langkung spésifikasi sareng bentuk sayogi. Product Introduction This cave bowl is made of PP material Ingenious design for reptiles hiding Mul...
Reptile mimpin palay guha na-01
Ngaran produk ngaleuang plastik nyumput warna produksi produk gave ka-0.122 * 167mm 100 nomer produk bodas PP CPR CPO SP 01 Bahan-01 bentuk grey, éndah. Nganggo plastik kualitas luhur, non-toksik sareng henteu pikaresepeun. Plasji guha pikeun reptiles. Langkung spésifikasi sareng bentuk sayogi. Product Introduction This cave bowl is made of PP material Ingenious design for reptiles hiding Comfortable Home -The cave design g... -
Rambih pangkalan palastik ulang nw-05 nw nw-06
Product Name Reptile Plastic Food Dish Product Specifications Product Color NW-05 161*153*19mm Orange NW-06 84*78*14mm Orange Product Material PP Product Number NW-05 NW-06 Product Features Simple shape, beautiful and useful. Nganggo plastik kualitas luhur, non-toksik sareng henteu pikaresepeun. Langkung spésifikasi sareng bentuk sayogi. Gampang ngabersihan. Penanggung Produk ieu réptepting mangkuk ieu dijieun tina bahan non-toksik pikeun mastikeun lingkungan anu aman sareng séhat ... - Tamina Produk Ranttile angket produk jeruk jeruk tuangeun warna produk Z3 153 153 150 * 75 * 145 * Produk Reber PW Mipe NW 03 * 50.5 * DPF CPR CPR0. 50.5 * 11 ** Bébas. Nganggo plastik kualitas luhur, non-toksik sareng henteu pikaresepeun. Langkung spésifikasi sareng bentuk sayogi. Gampang ngabersihan. Produk Benari Maptil Reptile ieu dijieun tina bahan non-toksik pikeun mastikeun lingkungan anu aman sareng séhat H ...
- Product Name U-shaped hanging filter Product Specifications Product Color S-15.5*8.5*7cm L-20.5*10.5*9cm Black Product Material plastic Product Number NF-14 Product Features The U-shaped hanging filter can be hung on the fish turtle tank. Round water inlet for easy hose installation. The water outlet is close to the side of the cylinder wall, and the water flows out along the cylinder wall, silent and noiseless. Can freely choose whether to equip with water pump. Pr ...
Bokor ganda gantung feeder
Product Name Double bowls hanging feeder Product Specifications Product Color 12.5*6.5cm Green Product Material ABS/PP Product Number NW-32 Product Features Strong suction cup, fix the feeding bowl, stable and not moving. Totak bahan-bahan ieu, henteu gampang katurunan. Mangkok dahareun transparan pikeun reptiles pikeun niténan katuangan. Kalayan dua bokor kanggo disimpen sareng cai atanapi tuangeun. Product Introduction The bracket of this hanging feeder adopts ABS material, and the food bowl is PP mate... - Produk Ngaran Buktikeun Béda-Buktikeun Spésifikasi produk V Prodisasi S: 9 * 6 * 3.5cm; L: 13.5 * 6.5 * Easy to use and assemble. Reasonable size, let reptiles eat happily. Aya dina ukuran produk anu leutik sareng ageung sareng desain permukaan anu lancar, nganggo pigura buktina pikeun nyegah polusi cai kuali ...