Profil Perusahaan
Jiaxing Nomoy Pet Products Co., Ltd. was established in 2008, which combines design, production with sales of pet products. Produk perusahaan anu aya di taman industri industri di Xinoang Poal, sareng kantun penjualan perenahna dina tetengger anu pikaresepeun dina distrik, Jaixing. Perusahaan ngagaduhan langkung ti 100 karyawan ayeuna, kalebet perwakilan penjual, desikeun tulisan panalungtikan sareng tim panyumpindungan, tanaga jasa palanggan sareng ngahasilkeun pagawé sareng tukang damel sareng tukang pakes sareng tukang sapatu.
Pasar Pasar
Nami produk aluminium aluminium altoy roothing Thinghtic Speed Cape Spedication Vine Vine Vine Xs-23 * 23 * 33cm s-32 * 43cm Reptiles, sapertos kua, oray, lancah sareng beurat Amfibia sareng assel teu tiasa, gampang transpo ...
Ngaran produk aluminium Snallice Vinefication Vinefication 70CM / 100CM / 120cm Emas / Biru / Merah Alusine rusty Ergonomic handle design, easy and comfortable to us...
Ngaran produk ngalacak warna produk fied sareng warna produk 18 * 12.5 * Nomer Produk Sude 272.5CM nomer nw-31 produk nw-31 produk nw-31 produk nw-31 produk nw-31 produk nw-31 produk nw-31 produk NDF-31 produk NW 31 Simulasi, simulasi sumberna cai hirup di alam liar. Hidden water pump, practical and beautiful. Double filtration, excellent water quality. Product Introduction The water flow is adjustable from 0-200L/H, and the use height is 0-50cm. With 2.5w low power water pump. To solve the water supply problem f...
Ngaranal produk Réstina warna spésifikasi Cosipasi Kulit Daun 11 * 12 * 10,50 10.5CM Struktur NS-113 Fitur anu gampang dilakukeun, henteu beracun sareng bahya, henteu beracun sareng bahya, henteu terang sareng bahaya rasana. Suitble for reptile small animals, s...
Nulis NOMBIL REPTILE RPTILE STATIS VOSAN VOSAN VIVE SED Selamat Sél 1,2 * 180cm and 2cm three diameters, suitable for reptiles and terrariums of different sizes Internal hollow and burie...
Ngaran produk Restium nyemprot tangkal spésifikasi sistem Estitifikasi 18.5 * 13 * 9cm Bandsop mode Your, kuantitas éndah, henteu mangaruhan gambar anu gampang, aman sareng henteu aya gunana, hal anu jero; operation, ...
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